Baby Slings

The “baby sling” is becoming more and more popular for its versatility of positions and comfort.

But if you wish to use a baby sling, keep in mind that it is intended only for very young infants and follows these tips:

  1. A baby can become very hot inside the sling, so be mindful of the temperature around you.
  2. Also, make certain the baby’s breathing is clear and unobstructed by the sling’s material.
  3. Never run or jog while carrying a baby in any backpack-style carrier, front-side carrier or baby sling. A baby’s body is not adjusted to the cyclic pattern that is a part of running and jogging.

This motion can do damage to the

baby’s neck, spine and/or brain.

Also Take Care of Yourself

Finally, don’t forget about your own health and comfort. When lifting a child to place him or her into a trailer or jogger, exercise caution.

Don’t bend from the waist, but begin in a 3-point squat and implement a two-stage lift that consists of a) pulling the child up to your chest and then b) lifting straight up with your leg muscles. Stay as close to the car seat or trailer as possible and place the child into it without reaching, stretching or twisting.

Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you or your child experiences any pain or discomfort resulting from these or other outdoor activities, call our office today. We can provide health tips for you and your children that will make enjoying outdoor activities safer and more enjoyable.


Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251-0862


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