Bedwetting Can Be Helped!

I’ve talked about this before in some of my handouts, but I think you should share this with any of your friends who might have children that are suffering from bed wetting.

Several studies have shown the benefits of regular chiropractic care for children suffering from “Nocturnal Enuresis” more commonly known as bedwetting.

Several studies published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed marked improvement in children with this problem over children who did not receive chiropractic care.

In one study 171 children suffering with bed wetting problems averaged 7 nights of bed wetting per week prior to the study. That means they were wetting the bed EVERY NIGHT.

After the children were given some initial chiropractic care the average child reduced the number of “wet” nights to 4 nights per week. A full 25% of the children receiving chiropractic showed a 50% reduction in wet nights.

In addition, only 1% of the children were considered “dry” prior to the study and prior to receiving chiropractic care. After the study 15% of the children were then considered “dry”.

In another study, 46 primary children who had bed wetting problems were studied. Of this group of 46, 31 were placed under chiropractic care while 15 were in the control group and did not receive ANY chiropractic care.

The results of this study showed a 17.9% decrease in wet nights for the chiropractic group. Over the same period of time, no change was noted for the control group who did NOT receive ANY chiropractic care.

Here’s what’s really amazing. Improvement in some of the studies was shown to be IMMEDIATE after the very FIRST adjustment and then it remained stable thereafter. That is a testament to the power of a chiropractic adjustment.

If you know of any children with this problem, please share this handout with them as they need to be adjusted and may not know of the miracles that can happen with a chiropractic adjustment.


Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251-0862


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