Liposuction Alternative – L.E.D Light

How does L.E.D. light work?

Designed to deliver results without the dangers associated with the invasive body contouring surgery of liposuction, L.E.D. light painlessly reduces fat in the tissue under the skin. L.E.D. allows the body to safely liquefy fat within the cell while reducing inches from target areas, slimming, and reshaping body lines while tightening and toning loose skin. A revolutionary method delivering results while allowing patients to remain active during treatment. Fat cells are drained of triglycerides and fatty acids in the areas treated with the red light.

When the fat melts away, where does it go?

The liquefied fat released by the fat cells is absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system and through natural means, is processed into waste. The contents of fat cells are voided from the body in stool and urine. This material is not reintroduced into the blood stream so there will be no increase in blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Do some people respond better than others? Yes. Patients with a higher metabolic rate are better able to excrete the fat cell contents and enjoy better results. However, L.E.D. works for all activity levels and skin types.

Is L.E.D safe?

Yes. There are no reports of anyone ever experiencing any side effect or bad outcome. This technology does not use lasers, ultrasound, microwave or a freezing system, and does not touch the body, therefore it is the safest slimming technology available. Some people ask if L.E.D technology is too bright. L.E.D is not as bright on your skin as walking into the midday sun, and L.E.D. does not include dangerous UV like the sun.

Is L.E.D for everyone?

No. This therapy should not be used for pregnant women or individuals with pacemakers. We do not treat anyone under the age of 18 years. When the L.E.D. empties the fat cells, the liver causes fatty acids and triglycerides to be voided from the body. Accordingly, individuals with compromised liver function should not receive this treatment. We do evaluate each individual’s health history during consultation and will advise should there be any concerns as to whether this therapy might not be as effective in an individual case.

Please call 310-251-0862 to make and appointment for your free consultation and receive 75% off your first treatment!