Chiropractic Care: Can It Help You Lose Weight?

I’m not sure if you’ve ever thought about weight loss, and your chiropractic care, but having excessive weight can pose many health threats like cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, diabetes, colon cancer, and gall bladder disease. Being overweight can also make you feel insecure, embarrassed and uncomfortable at times.

What Is Causing This Weight Gain

Primarily, weight gain is caused by excessive food intake and physical strain. Internal reasons like, decreased brain stimulation of the glands like hypothalamus, thyroid glands, adrenal glands can also result to obesity.

Stress, boredom, comfort issues and malnutrition can also cause of obesity. If you constantly eat the wrong foods, that will keep YOUR body hungry and will prompt you to continue eating.

Most of the people who try dieting FAIL because of the reduced amount of the food they eat. In this case, I can be a big help for people who are considering weight loss. I offer counseling and guidance that can help slim you and help you evaluate your current lifestyle and nutritional needs.

What’s The First Step?

The evaluation of your needs should be the first step in order to achieve successful weight loss. In this case, we offer encouragement and specific advice.

According to studies, spinal adjustments can be very effective in weight loss management. The reason is because the nerves control your stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. Keeping them working properly assures you a better weight loss program. Flexibility is further enhanced during spinal alignments because it takes the pressure off your spinal cord and nerves. This aids in the absorption of essential nutrients and distribution of oxygen in your body. With regular adjustments you can gradually lose more weight.

Researchers also confirmed that adjustments can be very advantageous to the muscle building ability of the body, as well as fitness levels. Adjustments help increase your capacity to reduce or control weight gain. Firm and toned muscles reduce your body’s excess fats in the adipose (fat) tissues.

It’s Your Choice

If you want to lose weight avoid drugs, alcoholic beverages and other vices. Get adequate sleep, refrain from caffeinated drinks and smoking, but in return, you have to drink plenty of water. This lifestyle can help in the program of losing weight because of the reduction of caloric intake and substituting it with nutritious foods.



Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251-0862


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