Health Is Normal

Many of my patients are surprised to learn that chiropractic doesn’t cure anything. So, how do I explain diseases that have obviously improved with chiropractic care?


The fundamental truth is: health is your normal state.


Here’s the answer. If you’re NOT healthy, there is something interfering with this normal state.


The only thing I do is to remove interferences that may be preventing your body from expressing it’s normal health potential.


Our focus at this office is on six centers of your brain, which control and regulate every aspect of your body. Restoring better brain/body communications permit a more normal expression of health. If you have a short in your wiring at home, you want to fix it. If you have a short in your brain-body communication you should want to fix it as fast as you can.


The fact that your illness and symptoms may improve in the process is an expression of better brain-body communication.


Thus, just let me say this. Chiropractic doesn’t cure anything. Only you can do that.  If there isn’t any interference – you will be HEALTHY!


Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251-0862


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