Vitamin C and Your Health

In case you didn’t know, the chewable form you usually find at the drugstore won’t give you the boost you’re looking for. You see, absorption — or bioavailability — is an issue, and your body can only absorb about 500 mg of this conventional form of vitamin C before you hit saturation. And that’s nowhere near enough.

Of course, conventional doctors mostly overlook vitamin C, although many are using intravenous vitamin C to treat Covid-19, and that’s promising. But most people are born with a vitamin C “problem.”

Animals Make Their Own Vitamin C… But We Don’t?
Humans are one of the only animals on the planet that cannot produce their own vitamin C. The others are fruit bats, guinea pigs, apes, and fish. All other animals have a gene that produces their daily requirement of vitamin C.1

For example, a 150-pound goat makes more than 13,000 mg of vitamin C a day. And that provides what it needs to get through the day. When they’re suffering from sickness or injury, goats can produce up to 100,000 mg of extra vitamin C a day just to get them through the crisis.

We possess the same gene, but it got “switched off” about 60 million years ago.2

That wasn’t a big issue for our ancestors who were perfectly balanced with their environment. They ate a diet that included all the vitamin C they needed. That’s why we evolved into one of the few species that don’t produce their own. Also in our toxic world, our fruits and vegetables have been stripped of vital nutrients. We just aren’t getting enough we need to stay healthy, and not nearly enough to fight disease.

The USDA recommends that we get between 75 and 90 mg of vitamin C a day. That might be enough to ward off scurvy, but not much more. Some Doctors consider that recommendation downright criminal.

Compare that to a goat that produces 150 times that amount! That should tell you something…

And our requirement for vitamin C hasn’t changed. It’s the same for us as it was for our ancestors. Yet a recent study found that nearly half of Americans are vitamin C deficient. And as many as 8% of the population — or 26 million people — show signs of scurvy.3 It’s no wonder that we don’t have the immune defenses to fight today’s diseases – like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and Covid-19.

Because your body can’t make its own vitamin C, you have to get it from external sources. If possible, it’s always best to start with food.
Eat Citrus fruits every day to get vitamin C. Lemons are great but some fruits have even more Vit C, here are three:

Goji berries. When you compare goji berries and oranges pound for pound, goji berries provide up to 500 times more vitamin C. Remember to eat goji berries raw, in their natural state for the most nutrition.

The guava — which originated in Central Mexico but quickly spread around the world — has a 165 mg of vitamin C per serving. But be sure to also eat the peel. The highest concentration of the vitamin is in its skin.

Rosehips berries. Also have some of the highest vitamin C content.

The best absorbable Vitamin C supplement: It’s almost impossible to get all the vitamin C you need from your food. That’s why it’s recommended you supplement with 3,000 mg if you’re healthy. If you’re under a lot of stress, or if you are sick, you can take as much as 20,000 mg per day.

For best absorption, Liposomal-encapsulated supplements are recommended. Liposomes were developed during the last ten years, and wrap the vitamin C molecule in a thin layer of fat. You can find liposomal vitamin C as a liquid, a capsule, and even as packets of orange-colored gel that you take as a shot in a glass of water.

Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251.0862

1. Drouin G, et al. “The genetics of vitamin c loss in vertebrates.” Curr Genomics. 2011 Aug. 12(5): 371–378.
2. Chatterjee IB, et al. “Synthesis and some major functions of vitamin C in animals.” Ann NY Acad Sci. 1975 Sep 30.
3. Sardi B. “Vitamin C deficiency still prevalent in US population.” Knowledge of Health. August 15, 2009.


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