What Are You Rich In?

“I don’t know who or what to believe! I heard that fat is bad for me, but then somebody tells me how good flax oil is for you… and yet it’s fat. Then I heard carbohydrates were bad for me and I should eat more protein…like the Atkins diet. And then the Atkins guy dies of a heart attack, and I find out that the high protein diet makes you toxic. One doctor tells you this and another one tells you that. It seems that when it comes to health, nobody can seem to agree.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  And the statistics support this truth. We are rich in “money, stuff, and things”, but we’re very poor in our health. Ouch.

It’s sad but true… it seems people know more about how their cars operate than how their bodies do. And equally as unfortunate is this… we treat our cars better. Would you ever put anything in your car’s gas tank other than gas? Heck no! Then why do so many of us put something other than food in our bodies? And no…Twinkies aren’t food.

This part is for certain… it’s silly to expect different results…positive results and progress where your health is concerned if your approach is the same as it’s over the last month or year.

Well… that’s really what this journey is all about. DISCOVERING health…not trying to INVENT it. It’s about breaking things down to where they make sense. And I believe if we can break out the truth, bit by bit, we’ll all be empowered to live much healthier and happier lives!

Just the fact that you’re reading this tells me that you desire more for yourself…and that’s great! My promise to you is this…you’ll learn a lot more about your health at this office – and hopefully enjoy the process – and all it will cost you is a little bit of your time.

Living a vibrant and healthy life is a PROCESS…not an event. You don’t just wake up one day and everything’s great. There’s no magic pill…no Hollywood diet, no amazing miracle. Vibrant Health is a JOURNEY, and not a destination.

And by the way… I’m just a person…like anybody else talking about the subject of health. I happen to have a lot of knowledge on the subject because I’ve tried to dig up truth to apply to MY body and MY life. But there are a TON of great resources out there… and people to lean on.

So, keep learning on your journey, and keep searching for truths that will empower you to succeed in the arena of your health. So…here’s how to take control of your health… get informed, stay informed, and this is the most important thing… apply what you know…even if it’s just a little bit…EVERY Day. Make UNDERTANDING your body a priority, and make healthy and vibrant living a journey.

Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C.
1927 Artesia Blvd., #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 251-0862


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